Tuesday, April 29, 2014

anticipating change

The decision has been made.  Letter of Intent submitted.  Deposit sent.  Family notified.  Housing search begun.  We are going to MBA school!

It feels good to be making plans, people.  Grad school has been on our to-do list for a few years now, so the thought of finally starting this adventure is very exciting for us!  This new phase of life will bring some inherent changes--a cross-country move, less time with Daddy, and living on loans, to name a few.  But it also brings new adventures, new friends, and new opportunities.

Here on the blog I'll be sharing our experiences with grad school and how we fit our family into that scenario.  Things that work for us and things that don't.  Tips, tricks, and flops.  I want to remember these years, and if our experiences help you along your own path to graduation, that's icing on the cake.

I would seriously be thrilled to hear even a little "hello" from someone out there in that big Bloggy world!  Don't be shy, click that "follow" button up there (pretty please?) so I won't feel like I'm talking to myself. :) You'd basically make my entire week.